Monday, May 30, 2011

gintama 210

gintama 210Ayakura's illustrations impress much less. The anime version remained faithful to the style of his character designs but improved on them, as his black-and-white pictures lack sharpness. His color pictures at the front do much better, with his best effort being a rather cute chibi picture of Holo.

Shonen Jump series often take a while to hit full stride, and are thus justifiably famous for the frequency with which their fans use the lame phrase “it gets better later” to describe them. There is a school of thought, subscribers to which include myself, that holds that anything that can't manage to hook you within five hours (the length of this set) isn't worth wasting time on. To those not immediately susceptible to One Piece's often disconcertingly seamless mix of goofy weirdness, shameless sentimentality and pure bone-cracking cool, this immensely fun but occasionally clumsy set of introductory stories may well seem to fall directly into that category. To them I can only say with purest angelic honesty: it gets better later.

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