na police have constituted a special team, comprising City SP, Patna, Shivdeep Lande and DSP (law & order) L M Sharma, to bust the gang involved in creating a fake website of the Patna high court and cheating a youth of Rs 7,000 in the name of appointment in the HC. The City SP said that he along with Sharma is investigating the case. "The case would be cracked soon," he claimed and added that since the Patna police have become active and started investigation, the site might have been closed by those who had created it. "The DSP and I sat together and worked on the case for the whole night on Sunday and discussed its intricacies," Lande said. A resident of Samastipur district, Praveen Singh, had logged on to the fake website, which had come out with an advertisement for appointment of Group D employees in the HC. "The website had displayed the names of 175 successful candidates. It is a matter of great concern as Praveen is not the lone person to be cheated by the fake website," said a police officer and added that the Patna Anti-Cyber Crime officials are engaged in cracking the gang involved in it. The police said that the website had done everything to make the employment notice look a real one. An examination was conducted on May 16 last year and the results were later put on the website. The police said that when Singh went to the HC to inquire about the job, he was accosted by one Baidyanath Sahni, who took Rs 7,000 from him and asked him to come on July 15 for joining his job. The police said that later when Singh met the court officer, he was told that he had come with a fake appointment letter as it did not bear the signature and stamp of the officials concerned of HC. Singh was also told that the HC had never come out with such an advertisement. Singh had on July 16 lodged an FIR with the Kotwali police station. The official website of the HC is
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