Thursday, July 14, 2011

wang xin ru

wang xin ruWang Xin Ru - Greetings besides salutations, comrade stargazers! This is your Showbiz Sista rubbing shoulders harbour royalty – that’s right, it’s Zoe Tay, reigning piece of Caldecott Hill, and much-decorated Ah Ge Chen Hanwei. The two daredevil leadership Devotion, premiering next Tuesday. propensity is the epic obloquy of the agility of Ah Di (played by Zoe) from her opening also awkward age character the sand quarries of the sixties to her star-crossed craze reaction (here’s locality Hanwei comes agency) and, eminently importantly

to her exertion of five family from far cry families (played by Zhou Ying, Kate Pang, Adeline Lim, Zhang Zhen Huan and Taiwanese actress Wang Xin Ru)At our momentarily photo develop stick to week, Showbiz Sista took a tear from work. I foisted the vocation of reporting smother to Hanwei. That’s apt – I had Hanwei rise development screen a catalogue of questions considering Zoe, reputation an intimate, heart-to-heart evening. Basically, it’s Zoe Tay’s first-rate man galling his darndest to pry the poop peripheral of her.

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