guru poornimaGuri Poornima is also known as 'Vyasa Purnima'. Derived from the Sanskrit word 'gu' meaning 'darkness' and 'ru' meaning 'remover', 'guru' means the remover of darkness, ignorance and evil. According to the Shvetashvatara Upanishad, one must consider no difference between God and one's guru. Celebrations start before dawn on July 15 at the Sadhu Vaaswani Mission, as it is believed that spiritual vibrations are the strongest at this hour. Devotees will first clean Sadhu Vaswani's samadhi as a service for their guru, and then light havan fires and perform 108 havans , which is a form of worship around a sacred fire, and repeat the Maha Mritunjaya Mantra Jaap 108 times as well. Bhajans and kirtan sessions will be conducted throughout the day, with a break for a fellowship lunch. The celebration will conclude with a speech from Dada J P Vaswani. "On this day, we honour our Guru, and through the Guru, we pay homage to the Satguru who resides in us all. For the Guru is none other than the picture of God. He is the 'inner prompter', who makes us aware of the presence of God within us,” says Dada Vaswani.

guru poornima
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